Webstore Closed August 20th-27th - Summer Vacation
Our web store will closed from August 20th to August 27th, we will continue to take orders during this time, and all orders will ship out August 28...
2018 - A Year In Review
Let me preface this post by saying, I hate writing. So I will do my best to keep this succinct. 2018 was a roller coaster of a year. We spent a bun...
The Joys and Challenges of Manufacturing
We recently discover with an early lot of TNR Tape, that over time the adhesive begins to stick to the secondary release liner. During separating o...
Need a smaller piece to tack down a flappy number??
For those of you in the ultimate pursuit of the most aero number may run into a section of the number that just won't lay flat. Don't want to waste...
TNR racer Brian Kozicki shows us how TNR tape makes racing easier.
Like all racers, we are pressed for time, no more so on those weeknight CX races. You try and get out of work as fast as you can, but you are never...